Switching DAW


D.V.G. Productions
Yoo guys!
I'm working for about 9 months now with FL studio.
but, i want to use a different DAW.
Which DAW is easier to use with the knowledge i got from FL studio?
I tried out Ableton but i can't do shit with it.
Does it mean that if i switch I have to learn it all over again?

Thanks in advance
There isn't a daw which is very similar to FL studio. You can go with cubase, sonar or presonus studio one and you will have to learn them from start, but it will be a lot easier then when you first opened your FL studio. Watch tutorials on you tube and you will learn basic things quickly.
if you switch yes you will have to learn a lot over again, not completely restart but DAWs are laid out differently.

why exactly do you want to switch?
bandcoach reapers cool but if he can't **** with ableton reapers got a much steeper learning curve. (i have and use reaper btw, just for mixing and vocals though.)
I guess that is my point - they all have steep learning curves so why pay for the privilege of learning to do it when you can get it for free and progress from there, then buy a license later if you still want to mess with it? Most of the other demos all fall short of letting you truly learn whether the daw is for you or not (they have save disabled mostly and some won't allow you to export audio either)
I wouldn't recommend viewing things based on how easy they are to use right of the bat, I mean simply walking to the shops might seem to be a lot easier than assembling a bicycle to ride to the shops but once you have your bike sorted out you will get to where you are going a lot quicker than if you were walking.......I guess it's like hunting for shit with the mouse is initially easier than learning keyboard shortcuts but once you know your shortcuts they really can make a huge improvement to your workflow.

What features you want and how you want to work will have quite some bearing on which DAW is right for you, like if your idea is to compose music by clicking shit into the piano roll with the mouse then you already have what is in my opinion the best DAW for doing that, it's got great presets for modifying shit in the piano roll etc....I don't use FL Studio though because Cubase is more my style.....I like to use a more efficient MIDI controller and insert MIDI effects and manipulate shit in ways which just are not possible in FL Studio....but you probably wouldn't share my enthusiasm if you are not a hands on kind of person, like I would describe Cubase as less Fisher-Price and more Lego, as in you can potentially do more with it compared to FL Studio but some assembly is required.
What is FL Studio missing that you're looking for in another DAW? Once you know one program well enough you can do pretty much anything with it. The best thing to do is stick with one DAW and learn it inside and out. Your music's quality will be determined more by how well you know a DAW than which DAW it is. I wouldn't switch unless there was a workflow issue, or a specific feature that your current DAW does not provide.