Simple 'Assign'-ment!?! Cu-SX

just william

New member
Evening all,

happily getting aquainted with my new Cubase SX, and all the delightful noises therein :)

just one question- (to start)

Can you assign drums from say the LM9 or Attack to seperate channels for EQing and effects?

Practical Example- I want to put reverb on the snare without making the kick sound like its in a Cathedral, but can't find any other way of seperating the VSTi Output other than opening a new Instance of the instrument!

I haven't turned up anything in the help files yet, for some reason when you search for VST in cubase help you get hundreds of topics... wonder why ;)

I'm a huge fan of step by step guides, if you have the time or can point me in the right direction
nice one,
just william said:
I haven't turned up anything in the help files yet...
I'm a huge fan of step by step guides
yeah right ;)

lm9 & lm7: have only 1 stereo output, so you cannot assign individual sounds to seperate outputs
lm4 (the 'pro' version, separately sold) has 12 outputs (3 stereo and 6 mono)

attack: 8 outputs (2 stereo and 4 mono), in attack, under 'amplifier' you can set the output individually for each drumsound;
in cubase's track mixer you should see all attack's outputs as seperate channels.