Sampling with FL Studio 9 and Numark TTUSB question


New member
I was wondering if any of u do this and how u accomplish this? do u just use the RCA cables into the interface or have u figured out a way to get the USB audio in there?
Or he could just record into Edison...


I got the same turntable, I bought RCA Cables and the noise volume transition seems low. I just open the program TTUSB came with, record the output mix into a recording program (like Audacity, etc.) and chop it up there before exporting into FL. I personally don't like using Edison too much, that's just my 2 cents.
I thought cosign was what the folks did so I get my equipment :P
I was wondering if any of u do this and how u accomplish this? do u just use the RCA cables into the interface or have u figured out a way to get the USB audio in there?

Dont know if u figured this out yet since this was 5 years ago but u can record straight into fl studio via usb, you have to select an edison on the plugin selector in main mixer, then choose the output at the top of the plugin picker menu, (theres a drop down arrow for you to select different outputs). Just choose the right output that corressponds with your turntable and record into edison.