Recording In FL Studio With Effects (Without The Effects Being Permanent)


New member
Is it possible to record vocals using FL Studio while hearing the autotune effect on my voice, but not have autotune be permanent on the actual wave file? I've been trying, but everytime the effects permanent with the wave, I just want to hear the effects for recording because it helps me execute better. Help is appreciated.
Top right corner of mixer there is the input where you assign your interface it has to be on a send channel and make sure before you record to press the floppy disk on the bottom of the channel to just record that channel btw dont waste your money on autotune fl studio has his own plugin called " pitcher" and its the same...just make sure you know in which key you are singing ;)
bus your vocal track to another track with autotune so you hear it but the track with autotune isnt recording unless you want it to