Pro Tools Users! Hold off on Internet Explorer 8!


a.k.a. Bishop Jackson
I don't know how many of you read my thread of my Pro Tools launch problem (which is not fixed), but for those of you who are running Pro Tools 8 (not sure if it has the same effect on 7 and lower) on a PC, DO NOT install Internet Explorer 8. I found out that this is the cause of the problem that I was having with launching Pro Tools. You can read about it and get directions on how to solve the problem from the Digidesign Support Forum by clicking the link below.

Not sure if the mods want to make this thread Sticky or not, but it might help out a few others.
That didn't work. I uninstalled ie8 then tried to open pt but it was already too late pt was already messep up.
I think hardware configuration and having the latest updates has alot to do with your issues. I am currently running PT8 w/ Windows Vista 64bit SP2 w/ IE 8 with no issues.
Had the same issue and mentioned it on Twitter, should have posted here but yeah if you've installed ie8, uninstall it.