Fruity loops tempo


New member

When i change my sample tempo , by going to time strecth » "time" knob » and then choosing for example 4bars the sample is adjusted to the correct tempo
But when i drag the sample to another place lets supose edison or slicex or fruity slicer the sample is back in the original tempo

Does anyone knows how to keep the tempo as you changed it ?


Paulo from Lisboa
I know of one way to do what I think you want (though there may be others): re-record the sample in IL Edison after you've adjusted it and then re-save it with the updated information. It would help me if I knew what kind of sample it was (e.g., one-shot, loop without regions/slices, loop with regions/slices) and whether it had any embedded tempo information too.
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When you make changes to the sound in the channel settings they only effect the sound within the daw. You need to export the sample as a new sample with the changes you made then reload the new sample into edison etc.