Edirol Orchestral in Cubase



Hi! I have a problem working with Edirol Orchestral in Cubase. In fact everything gets normal meanwhile I'm working with a project in cubase, but as soon as I close and SAVE my project, and save also as fxb and fxp my edirol configuration, once I strat again the project and load again the edirol no one of the changes I've done is there. Everything has dissapeard!!!
Could please someone help me?? How can I save the changes I've done to be able to load the again in a new session?

Thanks a lot!!

you have to save the Orhestral's performance data to a seperate file...Click on the Options button on the Edirol VSTI, got to the Performace Tab, save the Performance...save it with the same name as ur project, makes it easier when you reload....

oh, and you could have read the help files, or Ran a search on the forum..
Thank you very much it worked!!
I couldn't find any help or tutorial on line. Sorry

The Edirol Programme/Bank Change - Guaranteed Method of Success

Hi Guys,

In response to the thread - I have the solution to this which is guaranteed to work and will provide step by step instructions for the CUBASE user.

Incidentally - I use Cubase 5 and Edirol HQ all the time - so I know how frustrating this can be.

So here we go...

1) Always ensure that you start your project in cubase at Bar 2. Make sure that bar 1 to bar 2 is a blank bar.

2) Either load the Edirol Orchestral VST instruments into cubase, or select the desired instrument you wish to keep the same every time you open your project.

3) Open the Edirol Instruments Panel that you would normally use to select your desired sound.

4) For this exercise, I am going to use the French Horns Rip as the instrument I wish to save in my project. It doesn't matter what channel you use, but you may already be using or want to keep the french horns section, which means that you will have to select another midi channel to use from the Edirol Instruments Page. So Let's change Channel 15 which by default is set to Contrabass section.

5) With the Edirol Instruments page on top, carefully go back to your cubase project and after highlighting the Edirol Channel, double click on the space between bar 1 and 2 and then press CTRL+G to make a program change. If CTRL+G doesnt work for you, then simply select file/key commands - and set the 'Open List Editor' to CTRL+G.

6) In the drop down box at the top, Select Controller and then change your cursor to a pencil by right click and selecting the drawing tool.

7) In the top left hand corner at bar 1 Draw in your control change and double click into the Data 1 box and type in 32 and then press enter, or click outside the box. Change your drawing tool back to the cursor.

8) The information should now read C32 (BankSel LSB).

9) In the Data 2 box directly adjacent to Data1, type in the bank number which should be 2

10) Then from the drop down box at the top - select program change

11) Change the cursor back to a drawing tool and draw in the program change underneath the previous but one slot to the right of the one above. Change the drawing tool back to cursor.

12) In the Data1 box, type the instrument number which we know to be 19. the program numbers and bank numbers are on the Edirol Instruments Page directly by the instrument you have selected.

13) once this has has been done - to test the theory, change the instrument on channel 15 back to the default Contrabass Section.

14) once you run the project from the start, you will be able to see Contrabass Section change to French Horn Rips.

15) save the project in CUBASE only in the normal way by clicking CTRL+S or selecting save from the file menu.

:sing: And That's It!!!

This method applies to all instruments in Edirol and will work. YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE THE EDIROL SYSTEM/PERFORMANCE/ LOAD-SAVE METHOD.

Each time you open your cubase project after you have saved it - the instruments you have saved by way of control and programme changes will re-appear and work normally.

Hope this helps and Enjoy!!