Drum Break Question- Logic 8


New member
I found a drum break I'm trying to use as the main drums to my beat in Logic 8.

It is an audio track (blue color) but I can't speed it up or slow it down. The more I mess with the bpms down at the bottom the more off the loop gets.

Can someone please tell me how to make it so I can speed up and slow down the loop??

Thank you very much!!
I'm assuming its a 4-bar break or something similar - but a complete loop nonetheless, right? And you should also know the original tempo of the loop.

Then, set your projects tempo, and don't keep changing it. Open the loop up in the Sample Editor pane and use the "Time and Pitch Machine" to correct the tempo and speed of the loop.

You should also be able to stretch the region across the grid by holding down "alt" (I think it is) and click-dragging on the bottom right hand corner of the region. This is a quick workaround I saw on youtube.com (SFLogicNinja) but can't remember it exactly.

Either way, see what works for you.