Corrupted RPS and RSN file...


New member
So I'm using reason 5, first full song I have ever made, I've been working hard for 2 day on it and about 20 minutes ago I finally finished.

I thought it came out quite well for my first song.

ANYWAY I saved the song as a .rps file (reason published song)
then I re saved the original (the .rsn file)

then I closed reason. Now when I try to reopen either file I get the message "File has a bad format cannot open file." Now if I had been smart and exported this file as a .wav first I might not be so pissed, but I didn't and can't listen to my song or have anyone listen to it.

Do I have any options??!?!?! I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty demoralized after working on this song for so long and then having it disappear in a second.

Any help would be greatly apprecitated.