Ableton Vs FL Studio question.. I use both, but need to know something.


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This is specifically for people who use both DAWS.
I use both daws and I'd say I prefer ableton overall, but theres soooo many things FL studio does that keeps me using both. My question is in ableton, is there any way to have specifically automation only clips? like clips JUST for automation and nothing else. I like to use automation and in live its not in clip for, its basically the whole track has to have 1 automation line and copy and pasting or moving the automation around is weird and not convenient at all like in FL where you can just drag a clip around to wherever you want it or cut and paste it.
so less than a minute and the following three results pop up

wire to the ear » Blog Archive » The fast way to edit automation in Ableton Live.

Ableton Live Quick Tip: The Basics of Parameter Automation - Nick's Tutorials

28 Ableton Live tricks you didn't know | Tech Tuition | MusicRadar

but to be blunt just because something is easy in one daw does not mean that it will be in every daw - though to be blunt, I can do pretty much any cut and paste job I like with the automation clips I create in both Reason and Cubase - i.e the limitation probably comes from not understanding how to do it properly in your target daw.....