Ableton Live - Slicing in Simpler with Hardware Midi Controller

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Hey All,

Is it possible in Ableton Live 9.7's new Simpler to slice a sample manually using a (non-Push) hardware midi controller, rather than the mouse?

I have both the Korg PadKontrol and the Novation Launchkey, and want to know if I can do the following on either one:

Turn a knob on the midi controller to move the "start" of the sample, pressing a key and/or pad as I go to audition how it sounds. Once I've found a slice start point that I like, press a button/key/pad on the controller to establish a slice there, assigning it to a particular key/pad. Continue like this for the other pads/keys.

I know this can be done on Push, but, again, I am wondering if this can be done on a PadKontrol or Launchkey, and if so, how?

Thanks in advance!!
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