ableton help


New member
I actually have a few questions but my first question is lets say i have a one shot sample of say a piano how in ableton how do i use that one sample to use my midi controller and play different notes vi my controller. I know lot of top producers use this DAW so im wondering it can do more than im aware of, i know how to use drum samples and play beats, i know how to record and all that and use performance mode, are there other racks that i could benefit from, i'm just don't want to miss out on anything that might limit myself as a producer....thank you in advance
You need to load the sample into the device called Sampler, instead of the default "simpler" sampler that Ableton loads up the samples in.

Reading the reference manual is a sure way of making sure you are being introduced to about 98% of all the features available.
You need to load the sample into the device called Sampler, instead of the default "simpler" sampler that Ableton loads up the samples in.

Reading the reference manual is a sure way of making sure you are being introduced to about 98% of all the features available.

Nothing wrong with Simpler if you just want to play different pitches.