Mpc2500 + Akai S2000


New member
Does this combo make sense? Will putting sound through the S2000 will make it sound better/warmer/more vintage then going straight to the MPC? (source - turntable + dj mixer)
Yes and no. It gives you the ability to have the sound of an mpc 2000/2000xl in basic terms at your disposal. Functionality wise, the s2000 is much harder to work with though. There are ways around this, i use my s2000 all the time and it's easier to use with a computer than any mpc, with recycle and a pci scsi card. But, without that, i don't know how much i would touch it.

The s2000 is kind of a gem for it's flexibility when combined with a computer when you consider the price, over the counter ram upgrades etc. But, without a computer, again, it's not the most fun piece of gear to work with, especially coming from a modern mpc.

If you are just trying to use it to color your sound, consider the extra d/a and a/d conversion you have to do in order to record through the first device to the second. I haven't tried it but in most cases, the sound is worse than recording straight in.

What is the appeal of the 2500 over a 2000xl? Get a card reader and you have most of what most people would use given one or the other. For the same price or cheaper without the cost of the s2000 rack (negligible if you wait)

You can compare the same samples run through a 1k and an s2000 here:
I thought of using it like some sort of a filter - like people use the s950, which I just can't find anywhere so I thought S2000 would do the job. I do all my chopping and sequencing on the mpc.

I don't know how's 2500 compared to the 2000XL, but I use JJ Os on mine, it has some really nice features. And the grid edit is really nice.

Thanks for the link! The sound difference is not worth the money :) I'll stick to plug-ins in my daw and maybe get a sp-404. Again - haven't had the opportunity to play with it :(

unfortunately the s950 download gives me a server error.
mjfan1000 said:
I thought of using it like some sort of a filter - like people use the s950, which I just can't find anywhere so I thought S2000 would do the job.
You can always get an analog filter box too. Moog makes more than accouple for a good price for the quality, in my future.

Don't get me wrong, my s2000 isn't just one of my favorite piece of gear, it's a true work horse i rely on heavily. I just don't think that it's going to do what you want, i could be wrong.