Laptop or Computer/Parts from bestbuy


New member
So I am going to be buying a new computer/laptop from best buy for music production. I want something that will last and that can handle big projects/VST's....800-1000 range but if I can get away with 800 than thats better. The reason it has to be from best buy is I am using their credit card. I just want something sturdy that will perform....I don't want to spend more than I need to...Im fairly new at quad core laptop broke and the laptop I am using now lags hard and its maxed out on ram.

I know its ideal to build your own computer...the parts have to be from bestbuy...can we make this work?

PC or Mac IDC...I care most about getting the best bang for the buck that I can FROM BESTBUY

preciate all the help I can get!
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Ok, so what you do is look at the applications you want to run. Pay attention to their needs as far as specs and make sure the computer you buy has at least double the required specs.
Forget the credit card and start you save do some research on what you need and where to get the best price, as you save higher spec technology will come out meaning that you can buy what you were first looking at for less or get something better, what you don't want to be doing is paying off a computer that has soon as you get the computer start saving up for your next one same goes for your phone or whatever.....the discipline will benefit you rather than the credit card company, I mean what's better getting 8 things with a credit card or getting 10 things for the same amount with cash?