Recording chain of events


New member
Hey ya'll. I was wonder how you guys routed you studios. Not Midi wise, but audio wise. And can you tell me why you set it up the way you did? I am not copying,but I just want some ideas and logic down.
Umm thats a bit tricky, do you have a spare sheet of A0 paper?

There are donzens and dozens of connections in a studio.
Haha,yeah I know there are a dozens of ways to set it up, but I wanna know how YOU prefer to set it up and why? You don't have to tell me that Mackie out 1 goes to triton in 1 and so on. Just the basic like mpc to compressor then to mixer or something like that.
But thats the problem, its not fixed. Things change constantly, then when you start considering really flexible things like sends on the console it all gets very messy trying to describe it.