free Eventide Ultra Channel Plugin until July 8 2014

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somebody else told me about this being free until July.

What exactly is this? For sure gonna grab it while it's free still since I'm hearing about it again. Ill get it downloading right now while I'm watching music theory vids, I have an iLok, is it a pretty simple process?
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I'm loving this. I've gotten some awesome sounding mixes using this. It has 2 compressors, a parametric EQ, a micro pitch shifter, and stero delays, and a gate. It's a channel strip plugin.
When i downloaded it it auto saved to my documents, can I just leave the eventide folder there?

Also in my pro tools plugins it displays it twice. UltraChannel (mono) and Ultrachannel (Stereo+Mono) --i think thats what the second one says, but either way, why is it displaying the one that is MONO by itself if the second option does them both?
I was quite disappointed when I found out I can't do side chaining with it as a vst plugin. You can only do it with AU and AAX plugins I believe. I still love this plugin though.
Skimmed it, doesn't say anything about why 2 different options show up in my plugin drop down within Pro Tools though? Unless it does, haha. But I didnt see anything.
There's actually a lot of plugins that do that. I just got some Waves plugins and it has the stereo, mono, and mono/stereo for a lot if them.
Lovin the stereo delay on this thing. Everything else is laid out nice and easy to use too, even if you haven't before.

How is the feedback from people who have used a lot of other competing apps? Bandcoach? I don't have a lot to compare this plugin too.
I was a bit hesitant because you had to install iLok software, but after trying it, I liked it.
It wont be a plugin that I'll use on main tracks because I have more transparent plugs and more coloured plugs and this just falls awkwardly in the middle. I'll probably use it to give character to backing tracks or tracks that I don't care too much about. I'm not a preset type of person but these ones are actually usable.

In case any ones wondering about the cpu usage, on my laptop I was able to run around 30 instances of it before hitting %50, for comparison Fabfilter Pro-Q did about 150 instances with the same usage.
Has anyone else gotten an error that "protools could not load the following plugins either because no valid authorization could be found, the ilok key was connected or the plug in was damaged?"

I downloaded the AAX32 for my pro tools 10.3.7 can anyone help?
Do you have to authorize this on the website even if it is free?
according to my son, source for this by the way, yes, you need to authorise it at your iLok account
You don't need an iLok usb Key, you just need to have iLok manager installed and authorize your account with through Eventide, click on the FAQ and you'll find a a code that you need to use.
You get the serial number in your email after you fill out that form at the bottom of the Eventide Ultrachannel web page.
I do Appreciate all the help fellas I finally got it all to work. There was no serial code and it did not need to be registered on, however it does have to be activated through the iLOK manager, but since my studio is set up on a comp with out internet It wont let me activate it on that computer so it kinda feels like a waste of time.

Has anyone managed to get this to run in FL Studio yet? I'm still having trouble getting the plugin to open up, even after installing to the correct directory folder.
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